Wednesday, February 28, 2018

El ayuno cuando está embarazada, ¿cómo mantener el feto sin deficiencia nutricional?

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El ayuno cuando está embarazada, ¿cómo mantener el feto sin deficiencia nutricional?


Yakarta, buen día Mbak, actualmente estoy embarazada de treinta y dos semanas y estoy en ayunas. Me temo que mi feto está desnutrido. Entonces, ¿qué debo comer para adicional ya Mbak? Gracias. Fani (Mujer, 29 años) AnswerHa Mamá, la decisión de volver rápidamente con mamá. Conteniendo y dando a luz a un niño sano, el bien será mayor porque si el ayuno es bueno, puede ser disfrutado por la propia mamá, mientras que el niño solitario y útil para la bondad de la sociedad se multiplica (porque lo sienten muchas personas). Si mamá lo encuentra Es difícil comer muchos por la noche, preferiblemente en cuotas durante el día. No se olvide de consumir siempre aceite de pescado / suplementos de omega 3 sí mamá para desarrollar el cerebro del feto. Mamá es buena.Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster en Nutrición y Dietética (Universidad de Sydney). Con especial interés en el programa de dieta para las dietas del programa de modificación oncológica, cardiológica, diabetes, gastrointestinal y de vida. Family Nutrition Clinician Sigue a twitter @Leona_victoria. (Hrn / arriba)



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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Dietician Diet Tips Diet Down Weight Loss with Drinking Coffee

Dietician Diet Tips Diet Down Weight Loss with Drinking Coffee


Jakarta, Back emerging trend of new diet, especially for coffee lovers. This trend is called The Coffee Diet, claimed to drink coffee every day can help you lose weight. What do experts say? According to nutritionist from Lagizi, Jansen Ongko, MSc, drinking coffee can not be said to have a direct relationship with weight loss. This is because basically drinking coffee does provide some health benefits, but not significant and should be coupled with the application of a healthy lifestyle. The effect is not significant, can not overcome bad eating behavior, says Jansen to detikHealth.Baca also: The Coffee Diet, Weight Loss Trends Body with Drink Coffee In coffee drinking method is claimed coffee can help speed up metabolism, suppress appetite, and help burn more calories. Despite having many of these benefits, if not accompanied by a healthy lifestyle then the effect will not be seen. Conversely, if taken excessively in hopes to quickly slim also called Jansen wrong. Drinking too much coffee can be dangerous to health. Drinking too much coffee can be dangerous, especially for those with a history of heart disease, he added. In this diet method, you are also encouraged to drink a cup of hot black coffee after meals, before bathing and before exercise. In response, Jansen said there was no link between that time and the effects of drinking coffee. So from that, he concluded to lose weight is not enough just to drink coffee every day without a healthy diet and exercise. The overall healthy lifestyle should still be a priority to get the ideal weight.Read also: Weight Can Come Down With Drinking Coffee Mix Butter? This is the Word of Experts (ajg / up)



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